Title: Imagine A Night; Imagine a Place
Author: Sarah Thomson
Illustrator: Rob Gonsalves
Publication: 2003; 2008
Even after being out of my Children's Literature class, I have found that blogging about children's books has been very helpful as a resource to look back on while building my classroom library. I want to continue to blog about some of the books that I like so that I can refer back to them when needed.
One of my favorite series of books comes from author Sarah Thomson who wrote Imagine A Night and Imagine A Place. Both of these books are spectacular and really make the reader think outside of the box. Each page has these optical illusion type photos that are fun to look at and decipher. First you see one thing, but then as you continue to look at the photo - it turns into something else. The writing and illustrations take you to a whole different world. Here is an example of a page from her book...
"Imagine a place...where the tang of pine meets the salt of the sea, were adventure finds a waiting heart," or "Imagine a place...where the sigh of surf and the whisper of waves spill from your suitcase and drift into your dreams. Imagine...here."
These are just a few examples of the beautiful creativity Thomson uses throughout her book. The illustrations and beautiful and represent the imagination of artist, Rob Gonsalves from Ontario, Canada. His images beautifully portray the imagination we can have and dream up what ever our mind desires.
Another one of my favorites is Imagine a Day, which was the first book I read in the series. I already read this book last semester and therefore choose not to blog about it. But I want to make sure to remember to add it to my classroom library, so therefore I will add a photo below!!
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